Forensic Time Travelers of the Imagination Presents: The Centenary Leo Frank Case Odyssey, 1913 to 2015
We are traversing time beginning at Atlanta, Georgia, during the early 20th century for a true crime epic saga, where we will look at the contentious Frank-Phagan affair with new and lucid 21st-century eyes.
More than One Hundred Years in the Making
The Leo Frank Research Library is meant to be more than just the world’s foremost educational adult learning archive center about the infamous slaying that began as the “Mary Phagan Murder Mystery” and evolved into the case of Leo Frank. It also provides thoughtful analysis and contextualization of each event in the history of this celebrated double homicide, elucidates its sociological mysteries, ponders the possible permutations of every moment along the plethora of time lines, exploring the theories of both defense and prosecution attorneys and finally considering possible solutions to questions many still ask more than one hundred years later.
So strap on your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life. We will be traveling the honeycomb of time between 1913 and 1915, discovering its forks in the road, finding its avenues and lanes, seeking out blind alleys and twisting side streets all in the hopes of uncovering new truths of uncharted territory.
You are about to enter through a portal in real space-time to unlock the behavioral psychology of the Jewish-Gentile cultural conflict that was unofficially ignited in 1913, had grown into a climaxing inferno by 1915, and has thence continued simmering for more than one hundred years — having first slowly mutated over the generations, progressed as a culture war, and now as the double centennials have passed, the case has reached the threshold of an undeclared race war of subterfuge. This case refuses to gather dust, and the turn of the 21st century has already seen renewed interest in the Frank-Phagan affair, an intrigue unlike at any time in the last century since the main events began unfolding and were sensationalized in the American mainstream media for two years.
Anti-Semitism in America
For more than a century, the Jewish community has increasingly established for each successive generation the mainstream cultural orthodoxy and popular culture of social-political history surrounding the Leo Frank case narrative, propounding the affair as the following Jewish-Gentile morality tale: the conviction of Leo Frank was an unjust anti-Semitic railroading and assassination of an innocent “Yankee Jew” in a vast bigoted conspiracy, primarily the confluence of racist Southern Gentiles, competing newspaper media frenzies, police corruption and ineptitude, one diabolically ingenious negro janitor (who they claim is the real murderer), and an unscrupulous district attorney prosecuting the case for political ambitions to become a future governor of Georgia. To understand the Jewish position about the Frank-Phagan affair, we will closely examine, fact-check, and analyze every Jewish work and treatment about the case since 1913, including materials by non-Jews supporting the commonly held Jewish consensus of the case. The nearly monolithic position of well-organized Jewry in academia, media, and government office has remained the same since the beginning: Leo Frank, they propound, was not so much prosecuted as he was persecuted. Moreover, “Leo Frank was wrongfully convicted” is the central slogan of Jewish academics and law professors with semantic variations of this statement reverberating in their published works. For the first half century following the lynching of Leo Frank, the great underlying urge to make the case a central organ of Jewish activism had been repeatedly suppressed by the Southern Jewish community and national leaders out of respect for the aging German Jews of Atlanta who pressed hard for the issue to not be raised. A small handful of overwhelmingly one-sided Leo Frank partisan books and booklets had been written from 1916 until the late 1950s and 1960s, when three major books (Samuels, 1956; Golden, 1964; Dinnerstein 1968) were released about the case. In the mid to late 1960s, graduate student Leonard Dinnerstein completed his PhD dissertation on the Leo Frank case in 1966, and shortly thereafter, he published a book that numerous Jewish activists described as the definitive book on the case until 2003 when Steve Oney published his magnum opus on the affair. From the 1960s to the centennial of Leo Frank’s lynching (2015), only one book was published that gave a fair hearing to both sides of the prosecution and defense, published by Mary Phagan Kean in 1987. All other media representations since 1964, books and articles written in the last half century, have been overwhelmingly sympathetic to Leo Frank. Other than Mary Phagan Kean’s fair and balanced book from the late 1980s, only one other book by Francis Xavier Busch (1952) — a non-monograph promoting Leo Frank’s guilt — comes close to attempting a fair hearing of the case, but the author surprisingly concludes his detracting Leo Frank treatment with ambiguity, leaving the case open with room for reasonable doubts as to Frank’s innocence or guilt.
Though only two major books came out in the 1960s, Leonard Dinnerstein’s work took the Leo Frank case from a subject burning quietly through true believer Jewish circles and introduced it into the mainstream. Reading the three Jewish books released during the 1950s and 1960s, one suspects that the Samuels and Golden begrudgingly knew Leo Frank was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, despite their efforts to misrepresent portions of the case and suppress the most incriminating evidence. But Dinnerstein’s works are shameless pseudo-histories that so blatantly use academic dishonesty, fraud, and misconduct, one realizes that on the spectrum of pathological liars he is at the extreme end where he feels no remorse and actually seems to believe the lies he created. However, he is not the total unrelenting and unrepentant compulsive liar his writings on the case reveal when one fact-checks them. In late 2014 and early 2015, a pro Leo Frank activist who is a minor dictator on the Leo Frank Wikipedia article, Tony Stewart 44 — under the supreme despotic absolute dictatorship of Jewish supremacist Tom Northshoreman — asked Dinnerstein about the veracity of the rumor he (Leonard) first propounded as true history (1966, 1968) about foaming-at-the-mouth angry mobs of people screaming anti-Semitic death chants through the open windows at the courtroom during trial proceedings. Dinnerstein told this disappointed activist that the evidence for it was insufficient, yet he answered dismissively, as if it didn’t matter that forty-seven years later after its virulent birth that it had become a viciously ugly anti-Gentile blood libel that spread like wildfire. A search for “hang the jew” in google reveals the meme has spread everywhere with organizations like the ADL, SPLC, and other Jewish activist groups repeating it to the point of nausea. Several dozen newspapers repeat this anti-Gentile accusation as proof the Leo Frank trial was a kangaroo court witch hunt.
More treatments will be introduced, and their emergence in the history of this case will be mentioned below.
Anti-Gentilism in American
Many Southerners claim Leo Frank was fairly tried, and every level of the United States appeals courts rejected his frivolous petitions, thus upholding the trial’s fairness, even with some minority dissent at the appeals level. A great majority of Southerners who studied the case as more than a passing fancy also believe there was more than enough evidence to convict Leo Frank in 1913, well beyond a reasonable doubt, and that there is still sufficient evidence today in the surviving official records, via modern legal standards of analysis, to uphold the verdict in the Leo Frank case from the 21st century and onward.
Southerners are calling for an open inquiry into the primary and secondary sources of the Frank-Phagan case by 21st century academic scholars, law students, researchers, historians, and general public — people of all demographic backgrounds possessing higher education post high school level. The Leo Frank Research Library requests a fully transparent 21st century national inquiry into this century-old complex case that remains as a hotly contested ethnic conflict smoldering under the surface of modern Jewish-Gentile relations. This effort should be based not on taking the secondary sources as a matter of faith, but to fact-check them with primary sources and look at the official legal records and newspaper reports of the case from April to August 1913.
Barring the false claims by Jewish activists that Leo Frank had an unfair trial, was his conviction beyond reasonable doubt sustained reliably by the Leo Frank trial brief of evidence? Were his appeals petitions and the majority rulings of the courts also sustained?
The 21st-Century Gentile Position on the Frank-Phagan Case
Many Gentiles who take the time to study the Frank-Phagan affair and verify the claims propounded by advocates of the popular culture manufactured Jewish position believe the Leo Frank case has been and is currently being used as a cultural guilt and shaming libel against European-Americans and African-Americans. The almost monolithic conclusion of the Jewish community concerning who killed Mary Phagan is that the Negro factory roustabout, James “Jim” Conley, committed the dastardly crime by himself as a robbery and then a murder cover-up, without Leo Frank having any participation and knowledge of the incident. If Jewish activists and their up and coming trainees are using fabricated evidence against Jim Conley, or claims that do not stand up to academic scrutiny, is this anti-black anti-Gentilism? If these accusations are in fact unsubstantiated and ultimately false, should they be called racist? Should African-American activists be aggressively recruited to counter this racist defamation against a black man who admitted to being an accomplice-after-the-fact and helped the Atlanta police solve the murder?
Dispassionate Gentile Students of the Frank-Phagan Case Question Jewish Evolutionary Strategy
As students of the case, we might ask if this is beyond good and evil. Is the Jewish community using the Leo Frank case as a blood libel and racial psychology weapon against Gentiles to advance Jewish evolutionary strategy? Or was the Frank-Phagan affair a genuine case of first willful and then later violent anti-Semitism against an innocent man?
What really happened?
The Last Word? The Leo Frank Case Must Be Re-Examined by American Citizenry of the 21st Century
This library is not intended to be the last word on the Frank-Phagan affair, but instead, it offers a mega archive as a starting point for 21st-century discussions about this often misunderstood case that began on Georgia Confederate Memorial Day in 1913 and ended in 1986. Or did it end? Will there be further attempts to have Leo Frank fully exonerated, or on the flip side, will there be efforts to have his posthumous pardon, which did not officially absolve him of guilt, revoked or acknowledged as an illegal fraud?
Our educational archive implores the public to give a 21st-century second opinion based upon official Georgia legal records, including mainstream primary source media reports (1913-1915), and compare them with the ever-changing narratives from 1915 to 2015. Our research staff will examine, analyze, sift, and fact-check every surviving representation, whether the subject work be a book, Broadway musical, documentary, miniseries, magazine, periodical, Hollywood motion picture, or newspaper article written about or associated with the Frank-Phagan affair.
Please join us in these efforts.
The Seventy-Three Year Long Case of Leo Frank, 1913 – 1986: Open or Closed?
As 21st-century students of the Frank-Phagan affair, we are compelled to ask ourselves and the general public: Does the testimony, evidence, and exhibits of this case sustain the guilt of Leo Frank or Jim Conley? Or was there connivance that remains unexplored? We also must examine unthinkable and unspeakable permutations that neither the defense nor prosecution dared to consider, even if improbable: Did Mary Phagan have a prearranged rendezvous with Leo Frank that noon? All permutations and variations that have been uncharted and undiscovered before the 21st century must be pondered and fleshed out, even if they lead to blind alleys or dead ends. We must be fearless as forensic scientists as we travel the pathways of the time web, examining the many strands within them.
Tight and Narrow
To determine the clearest picture of the circumstances unfolding as the Leo Frank case played itself out to its deadly conclusion and contentious aftermath, start by reviewing the chain of events as published separately in the three major local Atlanta newspapers, Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Constitution, and Atlanta Journal (1913 to 1915), followed by the official record of the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case file documents: Volumes 1 and 2 (1913, 1914), containing within it the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913).
In toto: The Atlanta daily newspaper accounts (Constitution, Georgian, and Journal) from April to August 1913 and official legal archives of the trial and appeals (1913-1915), when combined, represent several thousand pages of detail-rich elucidating reading material.
The Jewish-Gentile American Media War Born within the Mary Phagan Case Investigation and Leo Frank Trial
The Leo Frank case became a major national media cause celebre and agitation campaign for the Jewish community, while at the same time reactionary outrage erupted in response to what Southerners perceived as outside meddling from people who never studied the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913). It wasn’t until March 1914 that major push back began in Georgia against the Jewish-dominated press. Amongst the common man and woman of Georgia and, more broadly, Southerners of the region, Tom Watson articulated what many felt about the case instinctively but were unable to articulate at such a high intellectual pitch (see: Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Watson’s Jeffersonian Newspaper, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917; Watson’s Magazine, 1915, issues January, March, August, September, and October).
For Gentiles the Best Mary Phagan Murder Case Analysis Supporting the State of Georgia’s Prosecution of Leo Frank
If you don’t have the spare time to study these voluminous pages from the newspaper and legal annals of early 20th century Southern history and jurisprudence, respectively, you can read the most tight and cogent exposition of the Leo Frank trial and ensuing Jewish instigated media wars in Watson’s Magazine, issues August, September, and October of 1915. Tom Watson also wrote about the case in his January and March issues of Watson’s Magazine.
Jewish-Inspired Insurrection
Tom Watson also provided more in-depth analysis of the Frank-Phagan affair in numerous weekly editions of The Jeffersonian newspaper (provided on this site) primarily focused between the years of 1914 and 1917, when the Jewish media defamation wars of sedition erupted across the United States of America, agitating against the people of Georgia and her state legal system (see Newspaper section of the Leo Frank Research Library).
The Best Overall Neutral Sources for Discussion of the Frank-Phagan Case
If you find Tom Watson’s ad hominem attacks, energetic venom, delicious sarcasm, and wit to be over the top, then an excellent overview of the investigation and trial can be gleaned from the early 20th century neutral treatment, The Frank Case: Inside Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery, written anonymously and published in 1913 by the Atlanta Publishing Company. This scarce item is notably the first book ever written and published about the Leo Frank trial. It is required reading and must be thoroughly examined. In March of 2015, Margaret Huffstickler transformed the 1913 booklet into a six-hour audiobook.
The Abridged Version of the Trial Transcript Survived to the 21st Century
Trial Transcript Published in the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian, and Atlanta Journal
If you find the Leo Frank trial testimony as recorded in the local Atlanta daily newspaper accounts (July 28 to August 21, 1913) long winded, then the best distillation–ratified by the presiding judge, defense, and prosecution attorneys–is the transcript digest, known as the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913). The Leo Frank Research Library is the first to publish the 1913 official “BOE” (Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence) on the Internet in 2010. We hope to someday publish it as a stand-alone book.
The Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence
The Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence is mandatory reading to ascertain what this case was really about, followed by the elusive closing arguments of prosecution and defense counselors in their abridged format within American State Trials Volume X published in 1918 by John Davison Lawson LLD (also available on The Internet Archive, www.Archive.org).
Compare the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence with the Trial Transcript Published in Three Atlanta Dailies
Students of the case interested in doing intensive research should meticulously compare the Atlanta daily newspaper accounts to see what these publications left out of Leo Frank’s four-hour speech. Interestingly enough, the Atlanta Georgian and Atlanta Constitution left out of their published reports Leo Frank’s statement to the trial jury on August 18, 1913, about his unconscious bathroom visit. Only the Atlanta Journal published this ineluctable statement in their reports. Check it out. It was Leo Frank’s newfangled “unconscious” bathroom admission that many believed, then and now, threaded the needle’s eye of the prosecution’s case and definitively solved the murder (See “BOE”: State’s Exhibit B, Monteen Stover’s testimony, Jim Conley’s testimony, State’s Exhibit A, Defendant’s Exhibit 61)
Finally, the best late 20th-century neutral review of the Leo Frank case, detailing how the criminal drama played out between 1913 and 1986, is: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan, by Mary Phagan-Kean (1987, 1989), which stands out even today as one of the most even-handed and honest books ever written about the case. In fact, most people, Jews and Gentiles alike, find it rather ironic that the grandniece and modern namesake of little Mary Phagan, being so emotionally close to the case, was able to produce one of the most neutral and detailed accounts until the 21st century centennials of the double murder. It is compulsory reading.
Expect some of the best books about the case to be released after the double murder centennials in the years and decades to come because of The Leo Frank Research Library. Our website won’t be on the Internet forever, so download the primary sources and items no longer in copyright. And please upload the original primary sources to as many free online libraries and archives as humanly possible.
The Jewish Community: Leo Frank Case Analysis for Jewish Domestic Extremists Obsessed with Anti-Gentile Conspiracies
Jewish Evolutionary Strategy:
If you are less interested in the hard facts, evidence, and testimony of the case and more concerned with the Jewish victimization version of the Leo Frank epic saga, where Frank is transformed from serial pedophile and convicted child killer into mythological stoic hero martyr of anti-Semitism and patron spiritual father of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), read the secondary sources of this dramatized case written exclusively for perpetuating a century of myopic self-deception: Advancing Jewish Evolutionary Strategy should never be seen as inherently good or evil, but it must be examined and understood. Students studying this case at our library archive should purchase these books from Amazon and eBay and fact-check them meticulously sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page, and chapter by chapter. Fact checking books always begins with the sources listed at the bibliography first and foremost.
The Samuelses’ Night Fell on Georgia (1956),
Harry Golden’s A Little Girl Is Dead (1964),
Leonard Dinnerstein’s Ph.D. Dissertation (1966) and
The Leo Frank Case editions (1968 to 2008),
The Freys’ The Silent and the Damned (1988, 2002),
Steve Oney’s And the Dead Shall Rise (2003),
and Elaine Marie Alphin’s The Prosecution and Persecution of Leo Frank (2010).
Also review these other politically correct versions of the Frank case presenting the same hyperethnocentric Jewish pivot of complicated lachrymose victimhood:
Profiles of Courage (1964);
The Murder of Mary Phagan Miniseries (1988), by Orion Pictures Corporation and NBC;
Parade the Leo Frank Musical, by Jason Robert Brown and Alfred Uhry (1998);
Black-Jewish Relations on Trial: Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, by Jeffrey Melnick (2000);
Old Religion, by David Mamet (2002);
People verses Leo Frank by Ben Loeterman and Steve Oney (2009); and
Screening a Lynching: The Leo Frank Case on Film and Television, by Matthew Bernstein (2009).
For the research purposes of this educational website, you should obtain copies of all of these items as we continue to study, verify, and deconstruct them. They can easily be acquired from www.Amazon.com or eBay.com. Please purchase these items and help us to further our fact-checking efforts.
The God’s-Eye View
To understand the far-reaching implications this century-long Jewish morality tale, brimming with exaggerated racial, religious, sectarian, class, and regional tensions — one should read and carefully analyze all of the primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of this case. You will be most impressed by our efforts to acquire the primary sources. We just recently procured the brief of evidence concerning the Pinkerton Detective Agency versus National Pencil Company legal drama (1916) — it is rarely mentioned in detail in any retellings of the case. We are proud to be the first to publish photographs of the original documents on our library archive, as we did with the Leo Frank trial brief of evidence and Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court records.
Jewish Culture War against White Americans and Western Civilization in Totality: One Hundred Years in the Making of Jewish Evolutionary Strategy
Even more politically correct fictionalized versions of the Leo Frank case are expected to be published with the double murder centennials arriving within the years 2013 and 2015, so stay tuned for more of Jewish morality lessons, tales, and fables about this infamous case to continue its slowly mutating evolutionary path, as one of a thousand species, engaged for Jewry’s subversive and multifront genetic wars, waged in popular culture against the United States of America and Western Civilization. This case is a cultural phenomenon that refuses to vanish into history regardless of how much time passes.
The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Spawned by the Conviction of Leo Frank
We would also like you to meet the American-Israeli Anti-Semitism Lobby: the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), founded October 20, 1913, galvanized in direct response to the conviction of Leo Max Frank, which the Anti-Defamation League believes was inspired by malicious prosecution, extreme prejudice, racial bias, rumors, blood libel, anti-Jewish canards, historical tropes, and anti-Semitism hanging heavy in the courtroom.
Abraham Foxman stated in several newspaper articles published online in 2013 that it was not the conviction of Leo Frank that led to the founding of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, because Sigmund Livingston had the idea before, and he is correct based on what the research shows. In fact, Leo Frank may have given Sigmund Livingston that idea or seeded the inspiration. Two months before the murder of Mary Phagan, Leo Frank had contacted the national office of B’nai B’rith complaining about caricatures of Jews on stage perpetuated in underground theaters. One month after Leo Frank was convicted, his local Atlanta B’nai B’rith chapter made up of some five members voted unanimously to re-elect him as their president even though he was incarcerated while his appeals were wending their way through the appellate courts. Leo Frank ran the organization while he was imprisoned at the Fulton county jail called the “Tower.” Thus, in the immediate aftermath of Leo Frank’s conviction, B’nai B’rith created the ADL, a group that has played a leading role in persuading the public that Leo Frank was wrongfully convicted because of anti-Semitism. The ADL perpetuates Leonard Dinnerstein’s anti-Gentile hoax about people chanting “hang the Jew” at the trial jury through the open windows of the courtroom. Hundreds of Jewish sources since 1913 state Leo Frank’s trial conviction led to the founding of ADL, and even the new 2015 ADL leader, post Abe Foxman, has intimated the prevailing narrative that only Abe contradicted at the centennial of Leo Frank’s conviction.
Abraham Foxman’s Hate Crime Hoax
The Anti-Defamation League claims on their website www.ADL.org in an Op Ed piece by Abraham Foxman (Lessons of the Leo Frank Case Still Relevant, by Abraham H. Foxman [also promoting his book via Harper San Francisco], August 18, 2005) that people were shouting hate speech death mantras and vociferous anti-Semitic lynching threats outside the Leo Frank trial, where the windows were open, thus implying the intimidation of the jury and disruption the daily court proceedings. We publish screen captures of this Anti-Defamation League hate crime hoax in case they ever decide to quietly purge this anti-Gentile blood libel down the memory hole.
“Hang the Jew, Hang the Jew…”
This ADL-sponsored blood libel hate hoax will be debunked on this website with the Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records (1913, 1914) and Atlanta newspaper accounts of the trial and aftermath (1913, 1914, 1915). Steve Oney and Mary Phagan Kean have looked deeply into this purported event, and both have suggested this alleged anti-Semitic death chanting incident has not a single shred of evidence to sustain it in the Atlanta media reports or official legal records of the case.
* * *
The Big Picture
Welcome to the Leo Frank Research Library and Archive. Our domain name, www.LeoFrank.org, was purchased on January 17, 2010, and the domain remained idle for several months until time became available to install the bare-bones “Thesis” WordPress script (we highly recommend this WP script for scholars, researchers, teachers, educators, and academics).
“The Unconscious Visit to the Men’s Toilet in the Metal Room Located at the Back of the National Pencil Company’s Second Floor”
Our educational website’s grand opening was on August 18, 2010, to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the four-hour unsworn Leo Max Frank trial statement, delivered in the Fulton County Superior Court to the judge, jury, associate counselors, government staff, magistrates, families, witnesses, police, detectives, and 200+ spectators on August 18, 1913, between 2:15 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. During this time, Leo Frank made a startling revelation, amounting to something Leo Frank’s detractors would describe as almost equivalent to a murder trial confession. However, for many unbiased viewers, it was no confession at all, but instead, Leo Frank had threaded the needle’s eye of the prosecution’s case. He pitched a grand slam to the State’s prosecution case when he made an incriminating statement and entrapped himself, but it was no confession because he always maintained his innocence.
What did Leo Frank specifically say on the witness stand that was so earth shattering?
Explore our website and find out.
Gladiators in the Arena of the Fulton County Superior Court
The legal system’s brightest minds in Georgia, sparring in the old city hall building that had witnessed Leo Frank’s statement to the court, were left dumbfounded, shocked, and perplexed, but Frank would maintain to those who would listen that he was innocent and that his vindication would eventually come until his last moments on August 17, 1915. Just before his captors hanged him, when asked, Leo Frank had something interesting to say regarding his innocence or guilt. Look inside our library archive and see what eyewitnesses at Leo Frank lynching had to say about the events leading up to the last moments of his life and in the immediate aftermath of his death.
Was Leo Frank, who always maintained his innocent, being evasive at the last moment?
Explore this site and discover the truth.
The Southern Trial of the Century
Welcome to the most incendiary trial in annals of United States of America legal history. This “Trial of the Century” transmogrified into an epic saga of centennial proportions. It has been reborn as an international cause celebre for the Jewish community, with worldwide fanfare for the Leo Frank musical known as Parade (see our review of Parade the Leo Frank Musical), playing to sold-out crowds in playhouses and theaters all over the globe. Parade has become an international thespian cult sensation.
More books have been written about the Leo Frank case in the last fifty years of this centenary conflict than in the first fifty. But even more so, the 21st century has seen a Leo Frank revival of colossal proportions with new books, films, articles, conferences, retellings, and revised editions of previously released books. Anticipate more to come. Will the case quiet down after the centennials? It is hard to say, but we intend to keep pressing forward with our research and outreach efforts.
While the musical Parade continues to spread like wildfire and the case excites the passions of masses, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) approved for the vast American School System of Higher Education the history-falsifying Leo Frank documentary released in 2009 called the People vs. Leo Frank, by Director Ben Loeterman and Journalist-Author Steve Oney as senior consultant. The ADL put out a teacher’s guide for educators to download and conduct proselytizing of Gentile students with shame and morality lessons on behalf of the Jewish community. To put it another way, the Anti-Defamation League’s teacher training guide on their website is designed to corrupt private and public school systems and poison the minds of children everywhere on the planet, not just the United States.
The ADL, True Crime Docudrama, and United States Educational System
This Jewish-American true crime documentary by Ben Loeterman (2009) certifiably omits 99% of the Leo Frank trial evidence, exhibits, and testimony, if one contrasts it with the official records and primary sources. This compliments the child mind-poisoning treatment by Elaine Marie Alphin’s book, The Prosecution and Persecution of Leo Frank, perpetuating anti-Gentile conspiracy theories that white Southern Gentiles are so anti-Semitic, they intentionally allowed a guilty black rapist go free and instead imprisoned an innocent white German-Jew (Alphin 2010).
The Anti-Defamation League’s War against the Human Race: Multiculturalism for Non-Jews, Racial Supremacism for Jews and Israel
The Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), are some of the biggest advocates for Israel in the United States and across the world. All the while, children of Palestinians are suffering under systematic Israel state-sponsored racism, Jewish crimes against humanity, systemic Israeli war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Honestly, we might ask: are these Jewish civil rights and advocacy groups a mask of sophisticated racial hatred propounded on a collective consciousness level? Or is this beyond love and hate, good and evil, racial division and unity, just simply Jewish evolutionary strategy at work? This is the usual “us versus them” paradigm found in the history of the retelling of the Frank case that is found in all of Jewish history.
Multiculturalism for Everyone Else, Racial Purity for Jews: Jewish Evolutionary Strategy
The new-speak mantra for Zionist cuckservative politicians and Jewish mainstream media pundits is calling Israel a “democratic and Jewish State.” This ultimate height of racist insolence has continued for more than six decades by the U.S.-sponsored government of Israel and the well-funded U.S. Jewish Lobby groups, like the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and all the other Jewish alphabet soup groups that openly or implicitly support Israeli Apartheid, yet strangely on the flip side, in America, the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center promotes displacement multiculturalism and the equivalent of open borders for the United States of America, knowing full well history teaches that all multiracial empires crumble into vicious bloodshed on irreversible catastrophic levels. Thank you, Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, for preaching one set of subversive ideologies for the United States of America and turning a blind eye to the contradictory racial supremacist policies promoted by the “Jewish and Democratic” State of Israel. This is the Jewish evolutionary strategy lens we intend to apply to the Leo Frank case, and it will illuminate the very nature of this Jewish-Gentile conflict.

As Leo Frank revisionist journalist-author Steve Oney once put it: The Leo Frank case is “one of the most complex and incendiary episodes in Georgia’s past” (UGA.EDU Features: And the Dead Shall Rise, 2004).
For More Than a Century the Leo Frank Case Appears to Serve Three Major Purposes in Jewish Evolutionary Strategy
First, the Leo Frank case is wielded as a multi-generational cultural weapon by Jews against Gentiles to deracinate, demonize, and demoralize European-Americans. They also utilize the case a morality indoctrination device to shame European-Americans for their once greater and more cohesive culture of ethnic solidarity.
Second, the Leo Frank case acts as a divisive tool to reinforce the tribal xenophobia inherent in Jewish culture and DNA, while perpetuating the myth that American culture is hostile to Jewish interests and civil rights. Thus, the Frank case is a “reminder” for Jews that anti-Semitism in due process of law is just lurking around the corner.
Third, the Leo Frank case serves as a broad moneymaking scheme for the ADL, SPLC, and other Jewish domestic extremist organizations, not only on a group level, but for individual Jews as well. For Jews who invoke the case as an anti-Jewish narrative, there is big money to be made fanning anxiety and fear. The saga has also assisted in lining the pockets of unscrupulous Jews who have shamelessly twisted the case in Leo Frank’s favor through every kind of mainstream media outlet–books, articles, songs, Broadway-style plays, musicals, documentaries, miniseries, conferences, and other means of human expression–some of them quite lucrative.
Anti-Semitism as Jewish Evolutionary Strategy Revisited
Studying the Leo Frank case allows one to kick open the worm-eaten rotting door from the old epoch of the Jewish-Gentile conflict to see how the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, and other well-funded Jewish domestic extremist organizations, masquerading as civil rights groups for all, have been able to raise many millions of dollars each year pimping out anti-Semitism. The dysfunctional symbiotic relationship between Jews and Gentiles spans millennia, since the transformation of Western Civilization from the Ancient Greek and Roman empires to the American Empire today as the final clash of the 21st century sees the West in irreversible terminal decline. The relentless promotion of open immigration by Jewish groups made this possible, and there is no turning back. Even if the borders were closed, the non-white breeding populations within are a demographic time bomb. The Jews played a huge role in this irreversible transformation.
Jewish America’s Gift to the Crumbling Empire of Western Civilization
America has enabled Jews to acquire more wealth and power in the last one hundred years than at any other time or place in the 5,800-year history of Pax Judaica, what we call the borderless international tribe of Jewry today. Jews use their eugenically bred high intelligence and power-gathering predilections to claw their way upward in culturally devastating ways in the host countries they occupy.Their successful efforts in media domination and control of the U.S. government will likely lead to chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons being used against the United States and Western Civilization as a whole during the 21st century. The Jewish-Arab Holy War came to America on September 11, at the beginning of this new millennium, and new terrorist attacks continue to erupt across the East and West.
Jewish extremists threaten America’s long-term survival into the 21st and 22nd century with their relentless agitation against the majority culture. It seems odd that a people who gained so much freedom and wealth from America would actively work to multiculturalize it by destroying European-American hegemony and instigating stalemate foreign policies of endless Middle Eastern wars, which guarantee escalating incidents of blow back at devastating levels, like 9-11, where three thousand Americans were murdered as collateral damage in the Jewish-American Middle East ethnoreligious war.
The Leo Frank case is now a major part of this racial psychological multifront war against the West.
The Cult and Mythology of Leo Max Frank 1913 to 2015
The cultural phenomena of the Leo Frank case has waxed and waned in the public consciousness over the decades, taking on a life of its own, and it refuses to gather cobwebs and become quiescent. To paraphrase the behavioral genetics professor Kevin MacDonald, the Leo Frank case has become a Jewish morality tale against Gentiles. We encourage you to view the Leo Frank case through the lens of Jewish evolutionary strategy. The central force of Jewish racism is to accuse others of it so that they become defensive.
The Elusive Trial Transcript from the Celebrated Case of Leo Frank
The month-long murder trial of Leo Frank broke all prior records in the annals of Georgia legal history and was widely cited as the longest and most expensive trial at the time. More than two hundred witnesses swore under oath and testified for the defense and prosecution. The transcript of State’s Prosecution and Leo Frank defense team, questions, and witness responses were captured as a stenographic record, in total, numbering approximately 1,080,060 words (Phagan Kean 1989), in a seven-volume set, in shorthand on over 3,647 pages of legal cap paper (Rosser, Bass 1914). The entire collection was stolen sometime in the early 1960s, coincidentally at the time ex-con Harry Golden was writing his book and graduate student Leonard Dinnerstein was composing his thesis about the Leo Frank case. What a shame that some unknown person(s) would expunge the original shorthand records of one of the most unique trials in the annals of United States history.
Fortunately, the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Journal, and Atlanta Georgian independently published the trial testimony and questions in slightly different formats. Thus, the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence (1913) — the dry leaves of the official record — ratified by the presiding Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, Hugh M. Dorsey, Frank Arthur Hooper, Luther Zeigler Rosser, and Reuben Rose Arnold — is the final legal arbiter; a digest indicating the newspaper accounts of the proceedings were relatively accurate and not unreasonable in their attempts at neutrality.
So what is the substance of the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence distilled when compared against the three Atlanta newspaper accounts? We encourage you to explore our library archive and find out.
The Leo Frank Trial Closing Arguments by Hugh Manson Dorsey, Frank Arthur Hooper, Luther Zeigler Rosser, and Reuben Rose Arnold
From Thursday, August 21, 1913, when the trial examination period ended, there would be four days of closing arguments (not including Sunday) until Monday, August 25, 1913, given by Luther Zeigler Rosser, Frank Arthur Hooper, Reuben Rose Arnold, and Hugh Manson Dorsey. At noon on August 25, 1913, when Hugh M. Dorsey finished his epic closing arguments, the church bells tolled with perfect timing. The petit jury received instructions from the presiding Judge Leonard Strickland Roan and then retreated to private quarters to deliberate on the Leo Frank evidence, exhibits, and testimony. After being given their final orders, the jurymen left the presence of Judge Roan at 1:35 p.m. that Monday afternoon, before returning with their decision hours later.
Jury Deliberation
The jury settled into their private quarters upstairs on the third floor and began deliberation at 1:49 p.m. The first vote was 11 to 1, because of the technicality that one juror wanted them to discuss the case longer, just in case, to make sure they weren’t accused of deciding too quickly. After two hours of deliberation, a final decision was made at 3:39 p.m., and at 4:56 p.m., the jury of twelve men funneled into the courtroom where they rendered a unanimous verdict of guilt against Leo Frank, but that wasn’t the only thing Judge Leonard Strickland Roan requested of them.
Jury Recommendation for Sentencing
The judge also asked the jury for a recommendation concerning a punishment for Leo Frank if found guilty. They had the option of recommending “with mercy” or “without mercy” — life in prison or death by hanging. For Leo Frank, the jury recommended “without mercy,” which in layperson’s terms means they unanimously decided on a capital punishment sentence. This suggested they had no doubt about the guilt of Leo Frank, because if any reservations lingered in their minds, they could have sentenced him to life in prison. The judge had the power, if he questioned the verdict or sentencing, to give Leo Frank a new trial or downgrade the jury’s death sentence decision to life in prison. The final verdict was unanimous 13 to 0, as was the belief in the punishment.
Judge Roan commiserated with the jury for their service to the State of Georgia during the longest murder trial in the South, when looking back upon the annals of Southern history at that time. As one of the most respected and conscientious judges in Southern jurisprudence, Roan thanked them for their participation, and the men were officially relieved of their service after completing their duty and being discharged. They received a sum of $59 each for their time or $2 a day for twenty-nine days + $1 bonus.
Judgment Day: Ratified Verdict and Sentencing
At 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday morning, August 26, 1913, Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, agreeing with the verdict, after much consideration, affirmed it, and then sentenced Leo Frank to be hanged by the neck until dead, with the execution date set for Friday, October 10, 1913. If the judge had any doubts about Frank’s guilt, he could have sentenced him to life in prison. It was within his judicial power to do so. The defense immediately appealed for a new trial on August 27, 1913, and amended their motion with 107 grounds.
The Founding of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in October 1913
Jewish scholars most often cite the conviction of Atlanta B’nai B’rith President Leo Frank as being the impetus for the founding of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in October of 1913, which states its purpose “is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike” (except for Palestinians, Arabs, Kurds, Armenians, Christians, Southerners, European-Americans, heterosexuals, and white Gentiles anywhere in the world).
Lernaean Hydra of the Jewish Anti-Semitism Lobby
Oddly enough, many people across the political spectrum from multicultural leftists, social Democrats, and racially conscious right-wing Christian conservatives (politics makes strange bedfellows) perceive the ADL as nothing more than a hydra-head of Jewish espionage. The ADL serves as a spy agency that masquerades as a civil rights group, selectively fighting against racism and prejudice on behalf of Jews living outside and inside of Israel and occasional token non-White groups when it serves Jewish causes. At the same time, this “civil rights” group advocates for an exclusively ethno-religious Jewish Democratic State in Israel and, even worse, turns a blind eye to the six decades of ethnic cleansing, illegal occupation, genocide, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, bullying, crimes against humanity, prejudice, and terrorism committed by Jews against Palestinians.
The ADL Promotes Racial Diversity for America and All of Western Civilization, But Supports a Jewish Racist Ethno-Religious State for Israel
To learn more about the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, visit our ADL section and decide for yourself if this is a genuine civil rights group acting on behalf of all people or a two-faced subversive organization with two agendas: one, undermining Western Civilization when it benefits Jews, and two, supporting with both silence and open advocacy, the state-sponsored terrorism and genocide in Israel against non-Jews. The Leo Frank case has evolved into a Jewish civil rights group with a treasury slush fund of more than $100,000,000.00 (one hundred million dollars) a year to subvert the United States and Western Civilization, at the hands of God’s chosen ethno-religious people who are the traditional murderers and enemies of the West. This is the century echo of an epoch that spans the millennia of Jewish-Gentile history.
Anti-Semitic View of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith under the Jewish Lobby Umbrella
Anti-Semites (the label given to people who understand Jewish evolutionary strategy, pathology, behavioral patterns, and tribal warfare) believe groups like the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center are equivalent metaphors for the HIV virus that causes AIDS, an immune system destroying virus resulting in many disease-related symptoms affecting the human body. So-called anti-Semites perceive the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center as Jewish groups attempting to destroy the immune system of individual formerly white countries within Western Civilization. The ADL labels immune-system-like white blood cells, known as patriots and Christian advocates, as domestic terrorists, extremists, and racists, especially when they support traditional values for the no-longer-majority Euro-Caucasian demographic in the United States. Yet the genetic preservation of the Jewish ethno-religious bloodline is the highest priority for Israel, even if that means committing mass murder upon the countries surrounding them.
The Two Faces of the ADL: Ultra Left Wing for America and Ultra Right Wing for Israel
Post-Conviction of Leo Frank
The conviction of Leo Frank did not end of the affair; the case would continue onward for two more years wending its way through the U.S. court of appeals at state and federal levels from 1913 until April 1915, and then a commutation appeals process.
The Leo Frank trial was unlike any other in U.S. history because it unfolded into a cause celebre of agitation by the Jewish community against the State of Georgia’s system of justice, which is considered most favorable to those accused of murder. The Jewish media war reached as far away as some major cities in Europe, via Judaic newspapers in Moscow, Paris, and Rome, but with its greatest intensity nationally in the Northern and Western parts of the United States. The Jews used the Leo Frank case to poison millions of citizens of the United States against Georgia, ostracizing its capital as a savage pariah entity that the rest of the country must subdue. All of this elevated to a fevered pitch when Leo Frank became the darling of the national Jewish-dominated media outside of Georgia between 1913 and 1915, and as a result, it fanned the roaring inferno of rage in the U.S. South, especially in Atlanta and Marietta, Georgia, where poor working-class white folks were eking out a living. The Leo Frank cause celebre became personal with many people living outside Georgia, writing letters on the behalf of Frank for a commutation, even from the remote shores of Europe, South America, Russia, and Australia. Sadly, the vast majority of this mail to Governor Slaton was never opened and ultimately purged in basement furnaces to heat government buildings.
Pseudo-Historians vs. Georgia Supreme Court
Today Jewish activist scholars, politically correct journalists, and people unfamiliar with the details of the case — as provided within its numerous surviving legal documents — all cite each other until the Leo Frank case has become popular culture mythos, centered on Jewish persecution and victimhood. Creative license has transformed the Frank odyssey into a new religion, woven together as an anti-Semitic miscarriage of justice, media frenzy, and Southern prejudice. But most open-minded people who carefully study the official brief of evidence and Georgia Supreme Court Case file on Leo Frank tend to agree with the GA Supreme Court’s decision that the evidence and testimony presented at the Frank trial sustains a clear verdict of guilt: BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT! Especially since Leo Frank made that “unconscious” toilet admission while seated on the witness stand. Oops.
Racist Jewish Blood Libel
The century-long blood libel defamation campaign falsely accusing Southerners of an anti-Semitism that never existed in the masses as the reason Leo Frank was convicted is mainly perpetuated by Jewish groups, leaders, academics, journalists, and creative media types, and to a lesser degree politically correct liberal Gentiles. Who knows? Maybe the ADL can locate some right wing Christian Zionists who will never read the legal records of the case to stand up for Leo Frank–after all, the South has suffered no shortage of Christian Zionists at any time in its history since the days of the colonies. Apparently, the Jewish community can find people of every political persuasion, left or right, to mutilate the case, but the tide of truth is turning against the fear-mongering pathological liars, ever since the legal records have been published on the Internet.
A Jewish Propaganda Tool to Strangle Western Civilization
It’s rather odd that Jews always advocate for widespread multiculturalism for European-American Gentiles while for themselves they promote ethnic-religious purity of the National Socialist type. Perhaps National Socialism was an evolutionary strategy mirroring to Judaism, as an algorithm of cultural survival for the nation of Germany that was infested with Jewish domestic extremists.
The Evolution of the Leo Frank Case
At the time, the Leo Frank case enthralled people. The public hungrily awaited news updates. Day by day, they fought for the news “extras” about the Mary Phagan murder investigation, coroner’s inquest, grand jury hearings, Leo Frank trial, and appeals.
The duty falls upon us to formulate a teaching guide to assist people as they study the art of agitprop manipulation engineered by Jews and how it is used to create orthodox popular culture.
2013 to 2015: The Leo Frank Case Goes Viral
A century after the trial, interest in the Leo Frank case has once again grown to colossal proportions. It began just before the turn of the 21st century with the release of the Broadway Leo Frank musical Parade in 1998, a Frank partisan and revisionist dramatized version of the case that has little resemblance to what was printed in the newspapers and official legal records at the time. In the Jewish Broadway version of the case, Leo Frank meets Times Square, and thus Mary Phagan takes on a dramatized role as nothing more than a cheap plot device to launch an ambitious campaign against Frank with addictive jingles and cultist songs.
Parade suppresses the Jewish racism that became conspicuous during the Mary Phagan murder investigation. Leo Frank botched a racist gambit to frame his crime on the National Pencil Company’s African-American night watchman, Newt Lee, because in the white racial separatist South, they had the least amount of tolerance for black on white crime. Negroes were easy to convict in the Old South when it involved crimes against a white girl or woman being assaulted. When Leo Frank’s racist plot failed, he then altered his course and used his legal defense team to blame the heinous crime on his African-American janitor, Jim Conley, the accessory after the fact.
Jews go out of their way to conceal the Jewish racism of the Leo Frank case by drowning the indictment and conviction with false accusations of anti-Semitism. This Jewish diversion works effectively and has paralyzed so many Gentiles with the fear of being called an anti-Semite. One thing we learn from the Leo Frank case is that Jews are always pointing their fingers and accusing other people of the crimes they themselves commit in the extreme as a means of deflecting awareness of their two-faced disloyal nature as a race of Internationalists at war with the human race.
Ten years after Parade launched and floundered, its resurgence has gained a cult following due to its new trimmed down format, revived catchy songs, and dramatic scenes, portraying an innocent Yankee underdog Jew who feels out of place, stoically fighting against the colossal prejudiced Gentile society of Southern past. Local theaters across the United States have seized the Parade script with much fanfare, and its popularity has spread like unmitigated wildfire across the theater and drama circuit worldwide. The musical Parade is greatly responsible for breathing new interest in the Leo Frank case and ensuring this website gets worldwide visitors.
The Cult of Leo Frank and the Movement to Exonerate Him
All of the Leo Frank partisan revisionists’ treatments about the trial and appeals, published over the last one hundred years, are half-baked and Judaized. It’s close to impossible to catch a glimpse of what really happened from these secondary sources without first reading the primary sources of the Leo Frank case. Even worse, the vast majority of the books written on the case are written by Leo Frank partisan revisionists, who have intentionally omitted between 90 to 99% of case details. Instead, they have produced melodramatically spun accounts centered around sound bites and ridiculous cherry picking to the benefit of Frank that ultimately offer biased and toady accounts of what actually occurred. One cannot discern the truth by reading Leo Frank partisan accounts of the case because they shamelessly commit a kind of perjury and intentionally deceive the reader.
The Best of the Best Leo Frank Partisan Revisionist Books Falls Short
Even the best Leo Frank partisan revisionist book on the case written by Steve Oney, And The Dead Shall Rise, omits 96% of the details from the official Georgia Supreme Court Case documents on Leo M. Frank, a complete file that has luckily survived into the 21st century and is now available online, thanks to the Leo Frank Research Library, when it published these elusive high-resolution documents online in 2010. Moreover, the Leo Frank case is not for children, at least the uncensored version presented in the official Georgia Supreme Court Case File on Leo Frank — parental discretion is advised!
Jewish Greek Tragedy
In the annals of Jewish-American history, especially in the early 20th century, Leo Frank, one of Judaism’s most promising and prominent members timelessly stands out as a monumental juggernaut of irony, tragedy, and controversy about a Jew who was wrongfully convicted for “preying” on little girls working for him. No other race on Earth has gone to such lengths attempting to exonerate a serial pedophile who made four separate and distinct admissions that amounted to ineluctably incriminating statements.
Apotheosis: The Crucifixion of Leo Frank
After Leo Frank was lynched in 1915, he became a high-rolling holy martyr of anti-Semitism, inseminating a new Jewish myth that has seemed to wax slowly as it incubated over the years following his execution. The decades surrounding the turn of the 21st century and the centennial of Leo Frank’s lynching in 2015 have transfigured the incubation of his martyrdom into the birthing of a full-blown cult of personality. It has all the markings of a new religious sect of Judaism, and potentially the eventual emergence of a new religion of the Frankite, Judeo-Frankitism.
This website intends give the public all the information that the Jews omitted from their retelling of the case over the last 100+ years, so strap on your seat belt and get ready to enter the time machine, we are folding the time-space continuum, delivering us to Atlanta, Georgia, on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913.
Travel Down the Time Web!